Migration from the French Overseas Departments and Territories from the 1960s to the present day: itineraries of a French minority.

  • HADDAD Marine
  • SAFI Mirna
  • VAN ZANTEN Agnes
  • SAFI Mirna
  • ROTH Wendy d.
  • CELESTINE Audrey
  • CONDON Stephanie
  • TEMPORAL Franck
  • ROTH Wendy d.
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Summary This dissertation studies the relationship between migration dynamics and the social trajectories of migrants born in the DOM and settled in metropolitan France. My research focuses on the demographics of migration flows, labor market insertion, and the role played by citizenship and ethno-racial boundaries. I adopt a multi-method approach. On the one hand, I combine databases from surveys conducted in metropolitan France and in the French overseas departments, offering a long-term perspective on migration flows and migrant trajectories (Population Censuses 1968-1999 . Employment surveys 1982-2012 . Trajectories and Origins 2008 . Migration Famille Vieillissement 2012). On the other hand, I conducted 40 semi-structured interviews with ultramarines in the Paris region, many of whom work in the public sector. My results show the impact of public policies encouraging migration on the growth, structure and selection of flows. By examining the intersecting effects of policy, economic context, and family dynamics, my analyses show how the mobility of ultramarines responds to economic, emotional, and normative issues. The intermediary position of migrants from the DOM - situated between the majority population and immigrants - plays out at both objective and subjective levels. The combined effects of their racial categorization as black, variations in perceptions of their skin color, and the legitimacy conferred by the seniority of their French citizenship shape their socioeconomic and symbolic positions in the French social stratification.
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