Innovation in ecosystem business models : An application to MaaS and Autonomous vehicles in urban mobility system.

  • GANDIA Rodrigo
  • NICOLAI Isabelle
  • SUGANO Joel
  • MASIERO Gilmar
  • PIMENTA Marcio
  • MASIERO Gilmar
  • PIMENTA Marcio
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Summary The concept of mobility as a service (MaaS) has become widespread in Western countries and has become a concrete market option, presenting a transport system offer based not on ownership but on use. This puts the user at the center of urban mobility issues, so consumers must be open to the adoption of new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles. This thesis aims to analyze the concept of MaaS to identify the conditions for its implementation and diffusion in tomorrow's urban mobility. We found that in order to take a sustainable place in the urban mobility system, MaaS must be considered as a modular and adaptable business model, applicable to all socio-political, regulatory, environmental and economic contexts. To do so, the business model of this innovative ecosystem must take into account the acceptance of consumers, the coordination of the multiple actors constituting the value chain within a MaaS and the existing transport systems with their development of technological innovations (autonomous vehicle).
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