The genesis of the Euromarkets.

  • PONS ROZADOS Jean baptiste
  • MALLARD Alexandre
  • MONTAGNE Sabine
  • MALLARD Alexandre
  • UGOLINI Stefano
  • LEMERCIER Claire
  • TOUCHELAY Beatrice
  • MONNET Eric
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Summary The thesis outlines a sociogenesis of the regulation of Euromarkets in the 1960s and 1970s. It seeks to explain why financial transactions whose development challenges the monetary sovereignty of states are instituted as an international market. The Euromarkets are an international market for credit in foreign currencies that was established from the 1960s to the 1980s and that, for the actors of the time, embodied the internationalization of finance and the emergence of a new world financial order. The thesis seeks to explain the different modalities of regulation of the Euromarkets by focusing on the actors and the key moments that led to the regulatory divisions of the market and its qualification. It covers some twenty years and explains the frontier work carried out by the main actors in the regulation of Euromarkets by identifying three key moments in the regulation of the market and international financial activities. It shows that these milestones led to the redefinition of financial sovereign boundaries, the institutionalization of offshore Euromarkets, and the reconfiguration of regulatory relations between public and private actors in international finance.
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