Three empirical essays in the economics of education and training.

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Summary The work presented in this thesis focuses on the individual returns to education and training, and seeks to identify more effective ways in which public intervention can increase these returns. The first two chapters of this work explore how returns to individual investments in education can be maximized by improving the efficiency of education and vocational training systems. The final study examines the links between human capital investment and the legal or economic environment that frames it. The first article of this thesis focuses on the effect of enrollment in a French private school in CP and CE1 on academic performance in CE2. The second chapter aims to measure the effectiveness of certification training for French job seekers on their return to employment. The last study shows the link between the flexibilization of the English labor market and access to training for employees. The analyses carried out are based on microeconometric methods which aim to identify the causal effect of the public policies studied. We thus use the instrumental variables method and the difference-in-differences method. This thesis also relies on the estimation of duration models, using the timing-of-events method or estimating a bivariate competing risks model.
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